OOPS & C++ for BPSC TRE 3.0 – Computer Science-L1

Programming Language

1 : Generation Language Machine Language
2 : Generation Language Assembly Language
3 : Generation Language C, C++,Java, Fortron, Cobol, Basic, Pascal
4 : Generation Language Perl, Python, Ruby,Sql,Matlab
5 : Generation Language Mercury,OPS5,Lisp And Prolog


Benefits of OOPS

  1. Re-usability
  2. Data Redundancy
  3. Code Maintenance
  4. Security
  5. Design Benefits
  6. Better productivity
  7. Easy Troubleshooting
  8. Flexibility
  9. Problems solving


Object-Oriented Programming?

Bind=Data + Functions

  • Simple
  • Reusable pieces Of Code


Object-Oriented Programming?


  • Alan Kay=1960s

First OOPS Language

  • Simula (1967)

First Pure OOPS Language

  • Small Talk (1970’s)

List Of OOPS Languages

  1. Java
  2. Python
  3. C++
  4. C#
  5. Java Script
  6. PHP
  7. Go
  8. Ruby
  9. Visual Basic
  10. Simula
  11. Small Talk

Semi-Object-oriented Programming Language

  • C++

_____is one of the greatest and most in demand Programming language for object oriented programming

  • Java

Which language is 100% object-oriented?

  • Java

Building Block of Object-Oriented Programming?

  • Classes & Object

Pillars of OOPS?

  1. Classes
  2. Objects
  3. Abstraction
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Inheritance
  6. Encapsulation
  • Data Hiding
  • Data Abstraction



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